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We’re looking for people to join our team who are as excited as we are to help build an eco-friendly world that empowers the future generation and inspire them to achieve...
We have a unique opportunity to do things differently. We can elevate the way we live, work and play precisely because we have a blank canvas to work with.
We call ourselves “dreamers and doers” for a reason: we can make happen not just what is possible, but what is impossible. We are collaborating on fresh ideas and new solutions in our engine room of creativity and innovation.
By becoming part of our team at Eclipse AES, you will join other top talents in their fields from all over the world. These visionary minds and adventurous spirits were drawn by the chance to make history in creating the place of the future from the ground up.
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If you are interested in any of these positions available don't hesitate to send in your Resume via Email (info@eclipseaes.co.za) or call us on Tel: 0645341151